Friday, April 4, 2008

6th posting..

In this 6th posting we need to answer few questions that are is given by the lecture. So, without wasting the time I’ll answer all that questions with honest and truthful from my heart..:-)

Do you think that blogging activity improves your writing skill? If yes what area if not why?- Yes. It’s improves a lot of my writing skill. I’m free to write anything that I want but still related with my course and subject. Many area blogging is improves me. For examples, blogging teach me to be free writer with quite long in one posting. So, when I want to post something new I need to make my own research about that first. Then, I also need to improve my vocabularies. Because I need to put new or interesting words to attract the readers read my blog. It’s really helped me a lot.

Do you think that blog is a useful learning experience for you? If yes to what extend is it useful, enjoyable, practical and effective. If not why?- Yes, blogging is the useful activity that we can do rather than we visit any website page. Firstly blogging gives you benefits of using ICT tools. For example when you are blogging, automaticly you know how to use the tools and gadget in the computer and assits you in learning of ICT. Am I right? Next, in spite of teach you used the tools in there, blogging also very enjoyable thing as you can learn and enjoy at the same time. When the first time I’ve exposed by blog, I was really excited plus I got the very best lecturer, thank you Datin Dr. Norizan. You such a good ones who teach me in this blogging. I’m really appreciated that knowledge that was given to me. I’ll use it in my life. This blogging activity also practical, useful and effective activity you can do. Why I’m saying like that? It’s because practical used as a student in tertier learning. We as the matured student should know about this. It’s is useful to us one day maybe. For example, after we graduated, we must look for our job right? So, it will be more easier if we have a blog that story all things about us and promote at website to people see you. Or you can send your blog to the company that you want to ask for a job. It’s also effective now because everyone using ICT in daily life, so you won’t at the back and lost.

What do you think that you need to know before you can complete the blogging activity successfully?- Of course I really need to know about the function of the tools that I might be used to finish up my blogging. I also need to know the format of the assignment that I need to post in my blog. That’s only thing that I should know I think

What are your problems that you face using blog?- The first big thing that I’ve faced using blog is when the server is down by the time I want to post my assignment. I need to do it many times until my pages become hang. That’s the truth about the line internet. The next problem is when I don’t know to use the button or the function which are provided in the blogger. Because this is the first time I’m being exposed using blogger. Before this I only have my own page in friendster website. I was in friendster since in form 4. Actually the usage of the friendster and blog is different. Just have a little bit of unsimilarities. I think that all problems that I have faced so far. It is not be a big deal problem to me to cope with this blogger because I have exposed with using of friendster. Now, I’m in process to decorate and finished up all my assignment that needed to post before last checking from Datin Dr Norizan.

Will you tell your friends recommend to others about blogging?- Yes. I will tell the others and to all of my friends to have their own blog. This will be an excitement to those who have blog because it was an useful and enjoyable thing can do in the recess time. Actually most of my friends had has their own blog in spite of their friendster. Using blog can make us better in witting skill. Maybe I will be a successful writer one day. It is sharpen our level of thinking by the writing. One of my blog friend was commented me on my 2nd posting which is about ‘how can make a man fall in love with you’. He suggested me next to post on ‘how can make woman fall in love with you’. I will fulfill his suggestion. I also will promote my blog in my friendster page. I hope that all my friends in friendster will visit my blogger page.

Now that you are able to blog online will you continue using it even after the SKBP is over?- Yes. Sure I will continue using this even after the SKBP is over. Because this is my new world, new page and new entertainment for me. Here I can relief my tension and all the things that I want burst out from my thinking. I can be a free writing. I also will learn how to write well and make a wonderful blog. It is will be my own. I’m so happy because I’m a part of cyber world. All over the world will visit my page. I want everyone know me as much as they can. Here also I can promote about my self. What are my advantages, so here I will get the sake of that. I also maybe can get a job via this blogger. I want to put my resume here. So after I graduate 2 years more, I will esay to get hob because people have looked for me so long time. I will care and maintainance my blog like what I do in my friendster page. Blog won’t be your burden as long as you know how to manage and deal with it. I really loved blogging!!!

Finally, I would like to thank once again to my beloved lecturer Assc Prof Datin Dr Norizan Abd Razak because teached me on how using blog and also in subject SKBP 1023. You are the best one who was sent to give us light and shining star in order to get a great result in our SKBP1023. Hope to see you again in the next semester. insyaAllah. I will try doing my best in this coming examination especially in your subject. I won’t let you down. We will try our best for you. SKBP!1023 is THE BEST!!