Monday, February 18, 2008

introduction to weblog

This subject are very cool and enjoyable. i like this subject so much! here, it's teaches me how to create a blog. before this i just only know that the existance of this but don't know how to have it on my really appreciate this semester because i've taken this subject. language and ICT for english language studies is the best one! thank to Assc .Prof Datin Dr. Norizan because willing to teaches us in this subject. you are the best one! in this blog i want to publish all thing that i've made and show it up to all the blogger visitor. i also will publish all the work or assignment that i've done into this blog. i will create my blog to be the gorgeous one! i will put my pictures and anything that can make my blog become intersting. i will update it usually to make my blog become up to date. i also want to put all my pictures. my best pictures include with my friends or my family. but i cant make it in short times, give me a little time. so, i can make it as perfect as i can. make it slwly to become more better. in my blog also i want to publish all things that related to me. i want anyone out there know something about me. we are in web world now. so, i want all peolple around the world know who am i. this all thing i will do during this semester to finished up this subject.