Saturday, March 1, 2008

Problem Solving and Reading for Information

Problem solving:

My first posting is the type of problem solving. I have done it with my partner, Wahidah. our text reading is"How to make a man fall in love with you". what will you all do? Especially for the girls outhere. Dont wory, i've find out what we will do to take the guys reaction. Its so simple steps. You just folow this simple steps and try to apply it in ur daily life or situation. This text is so simple and easy to follow. This text was written by Steve Nakamoto. It was written in ordering sentences.

There are many Steps that can make a man fall in love with you are become mega attractive, find and fix your blind spots, master your people skills, get good a small talk, get him to lower his guard, give him a fresh taste of your best and lastly position yourself for a peak emotional moment.

1. Become mega-attractive. Do your best to improve your overall appearance. Be healthy and fit. Make sure that your hair, skin, teeth, and nails are appealing. Practice good hygiene. Ask for professional help in the area of style and dress. Develop self-confidence and raise your self-esteem by raising the self-esteem of others. What ultimately attracts or repeals potential mates is your attitude about yourself.

2. Find and fix your blind spots. Get accurate feedback or find a good checklist of things that could reveal your hidden weaknesses. These are things that are evident to everyone else except you. Examples of blind spots would include: bad breath, unpleasant body odor, bad language, poor manners, dishonesty, and excessive gossiping. Your job is to seek out your weaknesses and fix them so they don't taint the positive impression that you're trying to make.

3. Master your people skills. Getting people to like you is the natural by-product of consistently practicing effective people skills. These skills include: 1) begin in a friendly manner, 2) avoid arguments, 3) make the other person feel important, 4) never tell the other person they are wrong, 5) talk in terms of their interests, 6) give sincere compliments, and 7) don't criticize or complain.

4. Get good at small talk. Become a master conversationalist by speaking and listening in the following manner: 1) have something good to say, 2) say it well, 3) speak with the appropriate emotion, 4) know what not to say, 5) focus more on listening, 6) give him your full attention, 7) offer positive non-verbal feedback, and 8) help him get into his flow.

5. Get him to lower his guard. Take the pressure off of any situation by being down-to-earth and adding tasteful humor. Admit some of your minor mistakes in an effort to make yourself more real in the man's eyes. Some tasteful teasing may also entice the man to do the same. By lower his guard, he can take in and appreciate more of your subtle strengths.

6. Give him a fresh taste of your best. Make a favorable impression on a romantic level by showing the "hottie," "sweetie," and "real" sides of your personality. The "hottie" side means to highlight your sexy, feminine qualities. The "sweetie" side is the part of you that is caring, kind, warm, and sensitive. The "real" side of you shows your true character as an all-around decent human being.

7. Position yourself for a peak emotional moment. Timing is important when it comes to impacting a man. When emotions are running high, that's the time to give him a sample of your feminine best. It is at these peak moments that memories of all kind get imprinted deeply into his mind, heart, and soul.

This text reading is so simple and easy to follow all the ways that had given at the page there. the writter wrote this passage with used of the processes ordering. so, the readers and blog visitor will easy to follow the steps. in this text reading, the writter show up all the ways taht can make a man fall in love with you. everyone is looking for this tips. through this passage, i will also learn about the grammar, verb and sentence structure and the skill of writing. it will improve my skill of writing and improve my knowledge about general thing like that. so, hopefully this text reading will help anyone out there or the readers who read it.

for more information, please click to this url:

Reading for Information:

In this first assignment and second tutorial work, I have posted the reading about problem solving. And now, I have posted about the reading for information. Here, I want to share with all my visitor’s blog and the readers about student’s favorite places around campus in University of Texas at Austin (UT). Texas, the second largest state in the United States, has the largest and one of the most competitive University in US. It is well known for its high quality and its exceptional level of education.

There are many favorite or attractive places that all the visitors can visit around campus of University Texas. There favorite places around campus are UT Tower, The Biology Pond, The Perry-Castaneda Library, Dobie Mall, Littlefield Mountain, Texas Union, Gregory Gym, and Tennis and Football Complex. Why I choose to publish this text reading? It is because since I’m in a primary school, I really want to pursue my study in this university (UT). I will go there if I got that chance to go there. I really like and want to study in overseas. I want to feel the atmosphere and surrounding as a foreigner and dealing with foreign people. It also can teach me on how to be more independent. I also want to share this text reading with anyone out there who has the same dream and desire like me. I want let them know the best places at there.

With this text reading also I can learn about the language. Especially this text is written in English language. Its will improve my English vocabulary. I also learn how the language is being used in the term of sentence structure and verb using. From this kind of text also, attracts me to read it and know about somewhere out side. This text is written by the native speaker of English. So, I will be able to understand more on their skill of writing. From this also, I will know to make a perfect writing skill and use the verb. Moreover,I will learn on how to select choosing of the right vocabulary in order to make a good writing essay.

For further information, click this url:


norizan said...

Good posting and interesting topic to read on. Hopefully you are able to make the man of your life fall for you ! But that reading text is informative.

mukrimania said...

nice done.and i hope this is the coming post about~"How to make a woman fall in love with you" :-)

amalina119176 said...

dearest Datin,

thank you for your comment. i'll always keep up my work during time by time. ermm, actually i've made someone fall with me..hehe:-)

dearest murimania,

thank you to you too..okey, i'll full up your wish that make next post about how to make woman fall in love with you..just waiting my next post okey?:-)