Monday, March 31, 2008

5th posting..

Electronic Malaysian English Competency Test - Reading Test (Set 1)
Score: 20 out of 35 - 57%
Time Taken: 42m 37s

Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
________________________________________Your Score : 79/30

Online Quiz Results Summary
Your #Attempts : 1
Total Class #Attempts : 588
Your Quiz Score : 79/30
Your Highest Score Ever : 79
Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank).

My experience about taking the online test:
Before i'm taking the EMET(English Malaysian English Test) and Ujian Kendiri ICT, i have been exposed with online test since i'm in Matriculation. The first online test o've made was ujian ICT in Dinamika Science subject. Before this we Need to built our own web and need to put the test in the web. It's so tough and hard work to do. Luckily i have a few friends who are expert and master in using computer tools. They helped me lot. i'm so thanked to they because teached me on how to do such thing like that..
Now, i've been exposed once again with this ICT subject which is in Language and ICT. The Coordinator Of this subject is Assc.Prof Madya Datin Dr Norizan Abd Razak. she's also as my Lecturer of this subject. Firstly i would like to thank a million to her because guide n teach me a lot on how to use the ICT tools and she is also very kind of person that i can refer to if i have a problem related to this subject.
First of all, in my opinion i think this online test will give us a lot of advantages rather than the disadvantages. why i'm saying like that? firstly, because the ability of the test to provide immediate feedback. this online test will give the feedback or the result of what are doing or if you taking any online test. you will get your marks right trough after you finished up your test. it's give more practical ways rather than answering test like conventinal ways using pen and paper. it will waste paper and person who marking the test. it's also with takes time until few days,weeks.or month to know the result. for example like MUET test, we need to wait until a month to know the result. it such waste the time and not practically. why not, we change to come out with MUET online Test? it's more good since that we are in milllenium period. it's also can be easier to the person who taking this test because they will be able to answer that test in no matter where they are.
The Online test also doing in randomization. which means that computer dont know whose is answer this test. Computer dont know the gender, face, races and so on. So, it's means that here would not be a bias in marking the test. while, if take the conventinal way of test, the marker will be bias maybe of the way in writting or anything that can make they know who is answering that test. But the computer wont know about that. that's why is better if we used full of ICT tools in our daily life.
The security in using computer i think is quite okey till now. somebody who are really talent can hack and explore the server. not all the people like that. so dont worry alot. there are some researcher will protect and doing a lot of research to protect this system be effectively.
actually, when im doing the online test, i also face on with the problem. one that is very big is the server is always down by the time i want to take this test. So it makes me take this test many times. i remembered maybe 3 times i took this online test. Because i cant finished it properly. i think the big problem now in using online test or what so ever in using ICT is the line of the internet wether the server is okey or down. i think we need do research on this problem first then we can decide wether to use internet@ICT tools fully in our life..


norizan said...

hi amalina,

nice blog.

good to c ur results.

please elaborate more about ur experience of online test; advantages and disadvantages. ur opinions as well.

amalina119176 said...

hi too datin,

thank you for your compliment of my blog..actually i did'nt finished yet doing my 5th posting. that's why there are no elaborations on that. but, i'll do it now and please you check it later okies?:-)

thank you.