Monday, March 31, 2008

5th posting..

Electronic Malaysian English Competency Test - Reading Test (Set 1)
Score: 20 out of 35 - 57%
Time Taken: 42m 37s

Online Quiz Results :: Kemahiran Asas ICT
________________________________________Your Score : 79/30

Online Quiz Results Summary
Your #Attempts : 1
Total Class #Attempts : 588
Your Quiz Score : 79/30
Your Highest Score Ever : 79
Note: This may not be your final marks. Due to some of the subjective and semi-objective questions (short essay and fill in the blank).

My experience about taking the online test:
Before i'm taking the EMET(English Malaysian English Test) and Ujian Kendiri ICT, i have been exposed with online test since i'm in Matriculation. The first online test o've made was ujian ICT in Dinamika Science subject. Before this we Need to built our own web and need to put the test in the web. It's so tough and hard work to do. Luckily i have a few friends who are expert and master in using computer tools. They helped me lot. i'm so thanked to they because teached me on how to do such thing like that..
Now, i've been exposed once again with this ICT subject which is in Language and ICT. The Coordinator Of this subject is Assc.Prof Madya Datin Dr Norizan Abd Razak. she's also as my Lecturer of this subject. Firstly i would like to thank a million to her because guide n teach me a lot on how to use the ICT tools and she is also very kind of person that i can refer to if i have a problem related to this subject.
First of all, in my opinion i think this online test will give us a lot of advantages rather than the disadvantages. why i'm saying like that? firstly, because the ability of the test to provide immediate feedback. this online test will give the feedback or the result of what are doing or if you taking any online test. you will get your marks right trough after you finished up your test. it's give more practical ways rather than answering test like conventinal ways using pen and paper. it will waste paper and person who marking the test. it's also with takes time until few days,weeks.or month to know the result. for example like MUET test, we need to wait until a month to know the result. it such waste the time and not practically. why not, we change to come out with MUET online Test? it's more good since that we are in milllenium period. it's also can be easier to the person who taking this test because they will be able to answer that test in no matter where they are.
The Online test also doing in randomization. which means that computer dont know whose is answer this test. Computer dont know the gender, face, races and so on. So, it's means that here would not be a bias in marking the test. while, if take the conventinal way of test, the marker will be bias maybe of the way in writting or anything that can make they know who is answering that test. But the computer wont know about that. that's why is better if we used full of ICT tools in our daily life.
The security in using computer i think is quite okey till now. somebody who are really talent can hack and explore the server. not all the people like that. so dont worry alot. there are some researcher will protect and doing a lot of research to protect this system be effectively.
actually, when im doing the online test, i also face on with the problem. one that is very big is the server is always down by the time i want to take this test. So it makes me take this test many times. i remembered maybe 3 times i took this online test. Because i cant finished it properly. i think the big problem now in using online test or what so ever in using ICT is the line of the internet wether the server is okey or down. i think we need do research on this problem first then we can decide wether to use internet@ICT tools fully in our life..

Saturday, March 29, 2008

4th posting


heloo again!. After finished through the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd posting now, im given to the next posting which is the 4th posting need to be done. In this 4th posting we required to read through and make our own understanding about whai is 'concordance' and how it works regarding to the text in the OTL book. This text was writen by Arshad Abd Samad from Universiti Putra Malaysia. We required to do this 4th posting with our partner. so, here is my 4th posting. happy enjoy with reading that!:-)

First thing first, what is concordance? one of software that help in the tedious task of analyzing language data and greatly extend in potential of a campus in language pedagogy. Corpora often help to inform on how words and grammatical constructions are used. Teachers, researchers and even language learners typically examine concordance lines to discover how words and grammatical constructions are used. Argues that among the benefits of using a corpus in language teaching and learning is that it may help students to "look at the systematically of language as an interesting linguistics puzzle, rather than a set of boring rules to be memorized

The EMAS corpora - The EMAS corpus used in this study was colledted in 2002 and consists of close to half a million words.It is an untagged and unedited learner corpus that contains written data in the form of three essays witten by about 800 students.Various method can be used to determine language development. Numerous language acquisition studies for examples, focus on specific target structure and examine the acquisition of these structures over period of time. In this language productivity as well as vocabulary use of the students. Language productivity involves the amount of language produced while vocabulary use refers to the sophistication of the vocabulary based on a language corpus. Although concordance software can be used to help analyze the language data available, many may still be easily disturbed by the huge amount of data available.

i have choose the function of using concordance which is in doing translation. here is the articles about that.just click this url to log on to this website and looking the translation function of concordance.

Translation is the action of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and subsequent production of an equivalent text, also called a translation, that communicates the same message in another language. The text to be translated is called the "source text," and the language it is to be translated into is called the "target language"; the final product is sometimes called the "target text."

Translation must take into account constraints that include context, the rules of grammar of the two languages, their writing conventions, and their idioms. A common misconception is that there exists a simple "word-for-word" correspondence between any two languages, and that translation is a straightforward mechanical process. A word-for-word translation does not take into account context, grammar, conventions, and idioms.

Translation is fraught with the potential for "spilling over" of idioms and usages from one language into the other, since both languages repose within the single brain of the translator. Such spilling-over easily produces linguistic hybrids such as "Franglais" (French-English), "Spanglish" (Spanish-English), "Poglish" (Polish-English) and "Portuñol" (Portuguese-Spanish).

The art of translation is as old as written literature. Parts of the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh, among the oldest known literary works, have been found in translations into several Asiatic languages of the second millennium BCE. The Epic of Gilgamesh may have been read, in their own languages, by early authors of the Bible and of the Iliad.[1]

With the advent of computers, attempts have been made to computerize or otherwise automate the translation of natural-language texts (machine translation) or to use computers as an aid to translation (computer-assisted translation).
Literary translation
Translation of literary works (novels, short stories, plays, poems, etc.) is considered a literary pursuit in its own right. Notable in Canadian literature specifically as translators are figures such as Sheila Fischman, Robert Dickson and Linda Gaboriau, and the Governor General's Awards present prizes for the year's best English-to-French and French-to-English literary translations.

Other writers, among many who have made a name for themselves as literary translators, include Vasily Zhukovsky, Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński, Vladimir Nabokov, Jorge Luis Borges and Robert Stiller.

others reference:

Thursday, March 13, 2008

3rd Posting

The Impact Of Using ICT/Wireless technology In Education Handphone, PDA, Bluetooth and Satelit
After finished doing the 1st and 2nd assignment, now i will start posting my 3rd assignment. This 3rd assignment is very tough and hard. We need to go to the PTSL libraray to find all the information about this task using the online database. I have spend so many of my times to go to PTSL to find all the information and resources.Here is my 3rd posting about the impact of using ICT in education field. i hope that this text will give information to all of you guys outhere. It just a simple paraphrase from the journal and article that i have found and read via databased online in PTSL library.

This task focuses on usability evaluation of information and communication technologies applications in education (ICTE applications). Various classes of teaching and learning systems are discussed in terms of technologies used and pedagogical approaches. Their usability is analyzed according to various dimensions and the impact of system usability on the learning effectiveness is studied. It’s show that various classes of ICTE applications such as multimedia/hypermedia applications, open educational environments and CSCL environments, based on different theoretical perspectives, require fundamentally different approaches in evaluating their usability. The paper is structured as follows: an overview of different usability evaluation approaches is presented first, followed by a discussion on applicability of these techniques in various categories of teaching and learning computer systems. Typical case studies that engage both usability experts and users themselves (students and teachers) are also discussed. The objective is to describe both the methods, and the way to apply them effectively in order to certify the usability of an ICTE application with respect to its teaching and learning objectives.

Using the ICT tools in educational field give us a lot of benefits and advantages. Following down there are distinguishes between three classes of learning courseware and technology:
• Primary courseware: aims to the primary education like in primary school looking at the presentation of related concept through material in the form of multimedia presentation or electronic book in hypermedia form. For example like using LCD in teaching and learning (L&T). It will exist the environments are mostly hypermedia/multimedia learning environment and these environments at best seek to engage the learners via context and possibly providing interesting pathways through the material. These will help the students become attractive and be a quick learner.
• In this secondary courseware is also called open learning environments, provide a computational word space and aggregation of tools that the students utilizes to perform learning tasks. In this second courseware, students need to develop higher conceptual level with a constant thinking and reflection of their actions that have to be merged with the direct handling of constructive concepts of the learning objects.
• Tertiary courseware: surroundings of this class dominated by the concept of dialogue. Understanding and conceptualization occurs after a constant reflection process through being and social interacting in appropriate sociotechnical environment. The building blocks are communication tools like chat and message boards, which allow conversation and exchange of ideas. In such environments the tools that will be able to support and encourage the dialogue have to emphasized.

so,as a conclusion ICT(information and communication technology) gives us a lot of benefits. they are come with the advantages and disadvantages. but we must see from the advantages/benefits side that what we can get from it. our next generation will use whole of ICT tools in their daily life. so,why not we doing practically it now. ICT is very important in educational field. when we are studying in ICT environments it all makes us need to thinking higher tahn normally because we are dealing with technology tools. we will be the same lavel with the abroad students which they have been used it first before it came to our culture/country. no matter what we need to use it with right way and not with a wrong way. all these will make us become It learner. it also will make our daily work become easily. just at your fingertip!!

Down there are the URL that links to this information and i have been recently used as my reference:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

second posting

Computer assisted writing:
Computer-Assisted Writing Instruction
Computer programs for writing help students with developing ideas, organizing, outlining, and brainstorming. Templates provide a framework and reduce the physical effort spent on writing so that students can pay attention to organization and content.
Computer Programs for Writing
Word prediction
• Student-specific programs that identify words that student uses repeatedly; when the student types the first few letters, the program lists frequently used words that start with those letters
• speeds up the typing process
• student speaks into a microphone and the program types the words
• program must be “trained” to the student’s word pronunciation and speech style
• student must be taught how to use the program
• increased speed from thought to text
• student can hear what she has typed to check if it says what she wants it to say
• good for editing
• helps student identify misspelled words
• automatically corrects words if the teacher set the program that way
• offers student other words that mean the same as the word he or she is using
• adds variety to student’s writing and increases student vocabulary

There are various examples that software can be used nowadays. First of that is microsof word processor. Word processors are excellent tools for students who find handwriting tedious. Often, students with disabilities have difficulty with all the requirements for the writing process. They have trouble organizing their thoughts and then retaining those thoughts long enough to put them on paper. Their handwriting must be neat enough and their spelling and grammar correct enough to convey their message, tasks that they may find difficult.
The second software is microsoff excel. This software suitable for the mathematical calculation and accaounting information. It is because this software was using the tables and columns. Many templates that provided there. For example to make the balance sheet and profit and lost for the corporate company.
The third is power point software. It is most acctractive software. Because using clip art and colorful background. It’s more suitable for information presentation.
The last is microsof adobe reader. It is used to display the profile of corporate company such as PROTON and FAMA.

Here the examples of the url that has computerized writing activities: (how to writing) (tools of computerized reading)

the large number of student, lack of teaching stuff and problem in scheduling class hour has made the language centre to conduct the class in two different mode. Which is online and offline.
Basically the performance both mode are standardize based on their course work and assessment. There ere three different between online and offline. The first differences of offline is three hours of lectures and three hours of tutorial. But for the online four hours and side session and two flexible hours. Second differences is for offline lecture session provides dtudents with the technique, teory and mechanic of writing as required on the modul. But for the online student gathered information on the technique, teory and mechanic of writing as required in the modul during the four hours on side session from the online modul provided. The last different is offline tutorial session provide students with group and individual attention. Individual and group activities are also organize for them. Meanwhile, online chat room facilities are provide for student and instructure to disscuss the area cover by modul.

As the conclusion, although many studies have shown that online teaching has it’s own advantages but the online students did not perform well as the offline student. It’s maybe because of the extra week that of the offline students have before exam. It is because one week coaching that offline student received before exam can make a different as teacher could elaborate on certain point compare to the online student.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


online learning game

The hang man

First of all I have been explored about this game. It’s so interesting and makes me interested. This game is really attracted me to looking on and to play till many rounds.
It is overall about vocabularies and general knowledgement.
What we can find about this game? This game actually teaches us how to build our vocabulary and our knowledgement. Why this game is called ‘Hang Man’? Is it because when you can’t answer the question, the line people that will hang appear slowly, followed by your wrong question. That was so enjoyable! If you cant answering the question, you will hang! The genre of the question you can choose from the selection categories that it will show to you before you start that game.

History of hangman: The origins of Hangman are obscure, but it seems to have arisen in Victorian times," says Tony Augarde, author of "The Oxford Guide to Word Games" (Oxford University Press).
The game is mentioned in
Alice Bertha Gomme's "Traditional Games" in 1894 under the name "Birds, Beasts and Fishes." The rules are simple; a player writes down the first and last letters of a word for an animal, and the other player guesses the letters in between.
In other sources the game is called "Gallows", "The Game of Hangin'", or "Hanger".
For example like general knowledge, entertainment, history and so forth so forth. This game is very challenging you in vocabulary. From this you can know weather you are full or lack of vocabulary or not. Hence, its can gives you many vocabularies that you don’t know and you are not sure of. You can play this game with your friends. Who’s going to be the winner? Is it you or your friends? This game is very excited when you got answer your first question, you will feel anxiously to answer the next question. It’s so many choices in there. Just know I have try the cooking part.
Example game
The following example game illustrates a player trying to guess the word hangman using a strategy based solely on letter frequency.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ A _ _ _ A _

_ A _ _ _ A _

_ A _ _ _ A _

_ A N _ _ A N

_ A N _ _ A N

H A N _ _ A N

H A N _ _ A N
Guesser loses - the answer was HANGMAN.

Let try this games! :

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Problem Solving and Reading for Information

Problem solving:

My first posting is the type of problem solving. I have done it with my partner, Wahidah. our text reading is"How to make a man fall in love with you". what will you all do? Especially for the girls outhere. Dont wory, i've find out what we will do to take the guys reaction. Its so simple steps. You just folow this simple steps and try to apply it in ur daily life or situation. This text is so simple and easy to follow. This text was written by Steve Nakamoto. It was written in ordering sentences.

There are many Steps that can make a man fall in love with you are become mega attractive, find and fix your blind spots, master your people skills, get good a small talk, get him to lower his guard, give him a fresh taste of your best and lastly position yourself for a peak emotional moment.

1. Become mega-attractive. Do your best to improve your overall appearance. Be healthy and fit. Make sure that your hair, skin, teeth, and nails are appealing. Practice good hygiene. Ask for professional help in the area of style and dress. Develop self-confidence and raise your self-esteem by raising the self-esteem of others. What ultimately attracts or repeals potential mates is your attitude about yourself.

2. Find and fix your blind spots. Get accurate feedback or find a good checklist of things that could reveal your hidden weaknesses. These are things that are evident to everyone else except you. Examples of blind spots would include: bad breath, unpleasant body odor, bad language, poor manners, dishonesty, and excessive gossiping. Your job is to seek out your weaknesses and fix them so they don't taint the positive impression that you're trying to make.

3. Master your people skills. Getting people to like you is the natural by-product of consistently practicing effective people skills. These skills include: 1) begin in a friendly manner, 2) avoid arguments, 3) make the other person feel important, 4) never tell the other person they are wrong, 5) talk in terms of their interests, 6) give sincere compliments, and 7) don't criticize or complain.

4. Get good at small talk. Become a master conversationalist by speaking and listening in the following manner: 1) have something good to say, 2) say it well, 3) speak with the appropriate emotion, 4) know what not to say, 5) focus more on listening, 6) give him your full attention, 7) offer positive non-verbal feedback, and 8) help him get into his flow.

5. Get him to lower his guard. Take the pressure off of any situation by being down-to-earth and adding tasteful humor. Admit some of your minor mistakes in an effort to make yourself more real in the man's eyes. Some tasteful teasing may also entice the man to do the same. By lower his guard, he can take in and appreciate more of your subtle strengths.

6. Give him a fresh taste of your best. Make a favorable impression on a romantic level by showing the "hottie," "sweetie," and "real" sides of your personality. The "hottie" side means to highlight your sexy, feminine qualities. The "sweetie" side is the part of you that is caring, kind, warm, and sensitive. The "real" side of you shows your true character as an all-around decent human being.

7. Position yourself for a peak emotional moment. Timing is important when it comes to impacting a man. When emotions are running high, that's the time to give him a sample of your feminine best. It is at these peak moments that memories of all kind get imprinted deeply into his mind, heart, and soul.

This text reading is so simple and easy to follow all the ways that had given at the page there. the writter wrote this passage with used of the processes ordering. so, the readers and blog visitor will easy to follow the steps. in this text reading, the writter show up all the ways taht can make a man fall in love with you. everyone is looking for this tips. through this passage, i will also learn about the grammar, verb and sentence structure and the skill of writing. it will improve my skill of writing and improve my knowledge about general thing like that. so, hopefully this text reading will help anyone out there or the readers who read it.

for more information, please click to this url:

Reading for Information:

In this first assignment and second tutorial work, I have posted the reading about problem solving. And now, I have posted about the reading for information. Here, I want to share with all my visitor’s blog and the readers about student’s favorite places around campus in University of Texas at Austin (UT). Texas, the second largest state in the United States, has the largest and one of the most competitive University in US. It is well known for its high quality and its exceptional level of education.

There are many favorite or attractive places that all the visitors can visit around campus of University Texas. There favorite places around campus are UT Tower, The Biology Pond, The Perry-Castaneda Library, Dobie Mall, Littlefield Mountain, Texas Union, Gregory Gym, and Tennis and Football Complex. Why I choose to publish this text reading? It is because since I’m in a primary school, I really want to pursue my study in this university (UT). I will go there if I got that chance to go there. I really like and want to study in overseas. I want to feel the atmosphere and surrounding as a foreigner and dealing with foreign people. It also can teach me on how to be more independent. I also want to share this text reading with anyone out there who has the same dream and desire like me. I want let them know the best places at there.

With this text reading also I can learn about the language. Especially this text is written in English language. Its will improve my English vocabulary. I also learn how the language is being used in the term of sentence structure and verb using. From this kind of text also, attracts me to read it and know about somewhere out side. This text is written by the native speaker of English. So, I will be able to understand more on their skill of writing. From this also, I will know to make a perfect writing skill and use the verb. Moreover,I will learn on how to select choosing of the right vocabulary in order to make a good writing essay.

For further information, click this url: